Senin, 03 Mei 2021
Kumpulan Puisi Siamir Marulafau - NANGGALA 204
Karya : Siamir Marulafau
Di malam yang gelap tak bisa kutatap
Hanya menghitung waktu dan ruang
Sepertinya deburan ombak tak bersua
Dengan tabung besi yang hitam
Laut pun semakin dalam
Di celah-celah karang dan lorong samudra
Terdampar para syuhada berteriak
Dengan sejuta rasa dan harapan bendera berkibar
Di permukaan tak tampak
Terselubung dalam besi hitam
Tak mengapung di permukaan
Lautan semakin mencekam
Detik-detik terakhir tak berpesan
Bunga-bunga dasar samudra pun layu
Terasa jasad kedinginan dan membekap
Melepas buih –buih lautan yang tak kunjung tiba
Medan ,01-05-2021
Karya :Siamir Marulafau
menari-menari lidahku
berucap syair tentang palestin
meskipun alam mencekam
dan tak basa basi mematikan hamba yang tak berdosa
sungguh kejam dikau meluluhlantarkan tanah yang dijanjikan
dengan senjata dan hati beku
kota kami penuh puing-puing berasap kabut dengan bara api menyala
Moga ada balasan dari Tuhan yang tak tidur sungguh
Tema: Kemanusiaan sejagat
Karya: @ Prof.Madya. Ustad.Siamir Marulafau
Deklamator: @Siamir Marulafau
Dunia mencekam, alam menangis
Apa salah dan dosa kami?
Palestin tanah yang dijanjikan
Tanah mengukir mesjid Aqsa
Di malam Ramadan tetesan darah membanjir
Genjata senjata menggila
Bunga-bunga Ramadan berguguran
Para syuhada tersenyum menggapai surga
Tak akan hancur, apa pun
Semakin tumbuh walaupun kebiadaban semakin menusuk
Tuhan tak tidur melihat tingkah laku Israel berhati beku
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Medan, 18-05-2021
wajahmu sebersih deburan air terjun
menggapai keseluruh impian di arasNya,Allah
bagaikan malaikat kayangan seiring langit tersenyum
membuka pintu kejernihan jiwa raga nan
tersanjung di hadapan Allah di yaumil mahsar kelak
sungguh senyummu sejernih tetesan salju
membahana ke segala penjuru
melelehkan kasih nan rindu pada-Mu
ya, Tuhan seru sekalian alam-Mu
bertasbih langit bumi kugapai dalam dunia
fana yang kelam
sungguh pandanganmu mengeluskan citra
kasih pada umat dunia d isaat langit biru tersenyum
akan dikau menyelimuti impian kau tanamkan
di sugra firdaus kelak sementara malaikat Ridwan
menunggu sang kembang secantik dayang surga
moga-moga Allah paring brokah,Amin ya rabal allamin
Oleh :siamir marulafau
Zuhurmu sesungguhnya menerobos lorong
kalbu dalam menyosong awan putih
berkelana di hadapan Illahi
sampai ke langit tak bertepi
saatnya kutungu
Oleh :siamir marulafau
telah kutanamkan bunga melati
di sebuah taman surga kita semai
bersama walupun hanya dalam
dunia maya yang kelam
tapi kau berpaling tidak meneruskan
petualanganmu di ujung dunia
seiring duri kau tancapkan di lorong
gelap membuat jiwaku tertegun
sepertinya masih terluka dengan
kepedihan yang tak berdarah
benarkah itu?sugguh bunga melati
kau tukarkan tidak dengan bunga
mawar merah berwarna jingga
kueluskan di saat kerinduanmu dengan
madu manis kusuguhkan sementara
cacing menggeliat dalam gua
pegunungan amat gelap sembari
menjerit kepanasan karena tak satu
dunia pun menangis menyaksikan
kau dan aku sedang dimabuk asmara
Oleh :siamir marulafau
Jauh hari jauh malam sepertinya
aku bagaikan pohon rindang di tepi
sungai gangga seiring aku ingin
usiaku bertambah muda sementara
dunia tersenyum menyalamku
dengan ketulusan jiwa bahwa aku
masih seperti tunas kembang
mengembang di sebuah taman
di usia menjelang november 19,2013
cahaya jiwa mengurai terangnya
perjuangan kuemban pada masa akan
datang di saat bumi Tuhan melapangkan
rasa simpatisan berbagai kalangan
sebagai petanda aku berteman dengan
menyaksikan ulang tahunku yang
kesekian tahunnya
aku semakin sadar langkahku semakin
usiaku semakin berkurang
kenikmatan hidup semakin redup
sepertinya bilik hatiku semakin remang
pandanganku semakin buram
namun demikian aku tega tidak
bersujud kepada-Mu
seiring sajadah basah kuyup dengan
tetesan airmataku kering sekering lautan
karena aku mengingat usiaku selalu
semakin berkurang dari tahun ke tahun
ya, Tuhan,
panjangkanlah usiaku
sehatkanlah jiwa ragaku
sehatkanlah pikiranku,selamatkaalan
keluargaku bangsaku negaraku pada
usiaku yang kesekian tahun,moga-moga
Allah paring barokah
Oleh :siamir marulafau
di kala aku menduda satu kata pun kau gubris tidak
di saat aku kesendirian matamu terpejam tapi
setelah bunga mawar menggapaiku dalam impian
kau sesungguhnya menggeliat memetik buah
di kala aku galau kerinduanku kau tolak
sepertinya kau bisu buta dengan rupa bermuka 12
tapi sayang seribu kali sayang kepompongku
di telan lara, hanyalah sisa kau impikan
aku sesungguhnya mutiara bukan dalam pujaan
hanya seekor kumbang terbang berpetualang di jalan
tak berujung mengembara di atas awan tak
jika mutiaraku kau simpan tanpa pamit
mutiaraku senyum akan membelai kasih tak sampai
kau tanamkan di dasar laut tak bertepi
Oleh :siamir marulafau
nafasku bersekat dengan napasmu tidak
seiring aku di atas tanah diam
jika napasku beralih ke langit yang ke 7
kau menyemai mawarku sia-sia
meskipun kau meratap mengeluskan
batu nisanku dengan derai airmata
namun suaraku kedengaran tidak akan
jeritan siksaan kuburku
berdekap janganlah padaku
doakanlah aku moga Tuhan mengulurkan
kasihNya padaku
Oleh:siamir marulafau
salamku semanis madu
salamku selembut salju
salamku seindah pelangi
kusalam kau setulus hatiku
seiklas jiwaku mengurai
dalam sukma
kusalam kau sejernih
lautan kutempuh
salamku bukan sembarang
salam berbilang rasa
terbuka bagi semua hamba
salamku seiring doa
bersalam dengan Pencipta
kepada-Mu jua aku bersalam
terakhir dalam jiwaku
sepanjang nafas tertanam
dalam lumpur diam
Oleh : marulafau,siamir
sinar mentari menyerap
renungan pagi seiring aku
bergegas menyapa
siraman embun di atas langit
kusiramkan ke seluruh
impianku pada masa lalu
sinar terhempas mengurai
renungan berkepanjangan
sampai jiwa berserak
di jalan tak berujung
meskipun demikian sinar
kutelan dengan pancaran
ke seluruh impian masa lalu
pudar akan tidak dalam
jiwaku sepanjang gelora asmara
membara selalu dalam jiwa
bahwa pada-Mu jua aku
akan kembali meskipun
dunia tersenyum mengulurkan
tangan kanan menerimaku
dengan ketulusan sampai
terkapar tidak di dalam tanah
Oleh :siamir marulafau
wajahku terhempas
di atas batu karang
suaraku serak karena
menjerit histeris
satupun orang dunia
acuh tak acuh di saat
aku, wajahku terbenam
pasir lumpur karena
tergiur uang kertas
bermata rupiah
wajahku terserap sinar
mentari berkesudahan
tidak bagaikan ruang
tak menempah cahaya
redup gelap seiring
aku termakan sumpah
tergiur akan wajah
dunia membuat jiwaku
terkubur sepanjang masa
wajahku diterpa sinar
lembayung berubah
menjadi gelap tertanam
dalam lumpur seiring
namaku diurai dalam
dosa sepanjang napasku
mendesah di bumi Tuhan
kelam,apakah itu salahku?
aku tak bertanya pada
siapa, dunia mencekam
leherku berputar ke kiri
ke kanan sepertinya wajah
membatu sudah dikenang
masa sepanjang hayat
dikandung badan
Oleh : siamir marulafau
siamir marulafau
Life is sometimes up and down
Is like a season to move from a month to another
Perseverance is a glory of life
That arises and comes up from human spirit
Let life be in perseverance
That seems to be important for extravagant
Might be brought advantage in any field
To keep life be more better then
Perseverance is a precious gift
That indicates human activities
How he or she is doing everything in lives
That shows a task for human lives
To improve better life
That perseverance is like a golden daffodil
To pick up in the day time and night
And to be graceful attachment in the lives
It is a right to gain truth truthfulness
While it is a pearl in the lives
To ensure one's self be confessed
If not life is not like a perfume to smell
Keep truthfulness in life
That life will be brilliant in the eyes of the world
That life will be precious
To keep good name rather than be a great liar
Keep the life be in the truthfulness pearl in the lives
For ensure one's self be confessed
If not life is not like a perfume to smell
Keep truthfulness in life
That life will be brilliant in the eyes of the world
That life will be in truthfulness
That life will be seemed like a straight road
Truthfulness is a message of lives
That arises like a planted flowers
Should be kept always
To give a guarantee for human life
siamir marulafau
No meaning of life without humanism
Since it needs caring from heart to heart
That should be put in mind
Whoever be there should have a feeling of humanism
Leads to humanistic as social task
That should be learned based on humanity
Let them thought and learned what the role of human there will be
Caused it is an essential be planted as a tree with many leaves
Let them know much what the meaning of life there will be
In case of human needs
That every body needs protections to achieve aims
That justice is important for man to run life
While oppression is the enemy
That life will be contrastive
Let the governance touche in heart how value of life there will be
That man may not be oppressed as what is liked
Let them keep humanism in life as an important role for human beings
Till this world will be smiling to gaze
That might not make people suffer a lot of injustice,violence and others
Which may not bring contrast in human mind
siamir marulafau
Youth is the golden age of life
Never be separated from the lives
It has a season of blooming
As like daffodils growing under trees beneath the hills
Keep your youth in the spring
That the life will be simultaneously blooming
Which should be taken care always
If not the life will be fade away
keep your youth in the spring
That your life will be fixed to live in
As long as this world be with you all days
That must be a memory
Keep your youth in the spring
So that the life will have a meaning
To make a hope be a lighting
As this world is opened widely
Life may not be alone in the world
Since one needs another to associate
That is the fact should be undergone
As long as life be with others
Keep togetherness in lives
That life will be united from one with another
And makes life be in harmony
That makes a power of man
Life needs sharing from one with another
Otherwise,life will be dull
And has no meaning as if life will be chaotic
That is the world should be given its meaning
Togetherness is a high precious gift
That man should be concerned with
Caused the man needs relationship in societies
Not like other creatures in the jungles
Keep togetherness in the lives
That makes life be in the closeness
To create human relation between one with another
That's humanistic be developed before coming into silent land
siamir marulafau
My sweet dreams never miss away
I used to keep it while sleeping in the night
Though the stars are saying to keep till in the morning
While the moon also provides lighting
And no one says it is not true
For the dreams look like a cover be a glorious
That never be separated in thy lives
Wherever i go away except when thy breath is missing
Sweet dreams be used to keep
As a reminding for thyself to rebuild
Which is like a flame in the dark night
Never be put off away
Sweet dreams be a grace for thy lives
To make thyself have no ignorance
Sharing thy life to be an intellectual
For improving the future as what to think
Sweet dreams be drawn in thy poetic words
As a memory of life be appreciated
Once though no be with till to die
To create impression from the starting life till to die
siamir marulafau
It was a nice day when I was in the childhood
For never be forgotten till to die
Whereas mother used to grow me up
Education was given to fulfill
Remember me when i was in the childhood
It was a gold time to remind
Since all activities are remembered
Even a place to play games
For I never miss to think it back
As is it was my trace back to run
Which makes me feel sad to remind
Never be missed away from heart
My childhood is a gold note in thy life
Where i remembered once when i slept
Though days by days runs once in life
That the time passed never meets again
Not really i miss it once to remind
Makes my life be tremble to think
That my childhood is a golden age
To remind me what i did till i become adult
Who says man never be out of innocence
All are having a little innocent doings
They should never be ignored to do in the lives
That should be avoid as long as the breath in the flesh
Let the life be innocent
That purification is a grace of God
Which might be a profit to be in the heaven
Keep the life be innocence before the breath is gone away
Innocent people are not precious in the eyes of Almighty
That should be avoided once in the lives
To bring a fortune life into the right place
That actions in life be purified
Keep the life be innocent
That life be in no complicated
As long as this world be with you in peaceful
That might all the creatures be smiling
That you are really free from the sinful actions
Whereas you are in the right man on the right place
Since your life is not in the innocent one
From now and then be like the moon in the dark
Siamir Marulafau :
Oh my love how can i miss you
For you are the light of life
Let us open the story of love
That i am in the love and you are in the love
Chairiyah :
No reason to separate the close heart
That is not an image for the lives
It was a nice and blooming rose i provide
Since you are the fuel of thy heart
Siamir Marulafau :
Since the twilight we meet together
The loveliness of lives becomes brightening
That the night is becomes beautiful in lighting
You have changed the darkness to the bright one
Chairiyah :
It seems so that my gloom fades away
And no tree except to prevent the hot sun
That all the flowers becomes bloom
Makes the world be happy and peaceful
Siamir Marulafau:
No wonder if i travel for so long
To visit your heart that might not be moved
To remind the promised land we built
That love be the growing trees beneath the hills
Chairiyah :
Let me keep the love in mind and heart
For never be thrown away in the wide ocean
Since the blue sky will be smiling to gaze
How deep love i spray to the mountain you climb
siamiir marulafau
A very close heart to address
That be my valentine of the day
To draw a very sincere love
A pure love be with you all
That never be forgotten till to die
You are a charming of my breath
That you look like a blooming flower
Which has been put in my diary
Never be missed wherever to go
You are the only one in thy liife
My love never fades away
For you are a pearl in my dream
Caused i am in the love
To make understand from heart to heart
Indicating quarrelsome never comes up
For the unity of blood
That be my valentine of the day
Never be gone away from now and then
keep this in mind
As my first and last words be urged
siamir marulafau
Nobody avoids eternity in the lives
As a determination of Lord
That should be obeyed
It is a precious gift
For it is a reminding
That be a must to run after the death
Whereas man should be a positive acceptance
That might nor get rid of from
Keep eternity in the lives
That regarding as precious lesson for life
To examine if man be patient or not
And one will be blessing for selfconfidence
Keep eternity as a memory in the lives
So as to improve selfconfidence
That might bring a good fortune
To draw that life is like a cycle
siamir marulafau
No one avoids sensible feeling
For it is a mystery
That comes up from inner
It is a misery to be
How can it be to gain
That is the sensitive organs
Should be thought fully
That can not get rid of from
Sensible skin will be the same
And keep it well
That might bring your sense successfully
Every organ has the same like
It sounds well to touch
As organs like brain,ears,eyes
That be kept well
To achieve the target of lives
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